Be the me
you want to be

A bijoux hair sanctuary, offering bespoke advice, solutions, cutting & styling to woman by appointment only. Kilshaw & Co hairdressing is located at the prestigious Gold Anchors Award winning Port Solent Marina on the South Coast.


Kala Kilshaw
Kala Kilshaw is a serial entrepreneur that has dedicated her life to hairdressing, she is one of the true jewels in the industries crown.
Her exceptional experience and knowledge in a career that spans three decades, has meant she has been in constant demand in the UK and internationally. Developing a pioneering electrical hair appliance line, presenting on television, educating her peers, styling celebrities, writing advice for beauty magazines are just a few examples of her achievements.
The main drive behind Kala’s success is the determination to empower women as individuals. Instilling confidence in their own beauty, so that they can be the ‘me they have always wanted to be’.
This true belief in her own ethos has lead Kala back to her roots & returning to behind the salon chair.
Creating beautiful hair styles, sharing advice and tips and making her clients feel great about themselves.
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